Art Murals abound in Vitoria-Gateiz


Vitoria-Gasteiz is a city of a quarter million people nestled in the heart of Basque Country alongside famous neighboring cities, Bilbao and San Sebastian. Vitoria- Gasteiz is a humble city, often considered more of a pueblo  amongst locals because of it’s small town feel charm and how everyone knows each other. Your bound to run into someone you know on an outing to the grocery store or walking through La Plaza Virgin Blanca, the central meeting spot to gather before going for pintxos or planning your night.

Vitoria is charming. Walk through the medieval quarter and you’ll be thrown back in time.  I always get a kick out of watching kids kick a football through the streets as parents chat with their friends and sip glasses of wine. 

Kids playing football in the medieval quarter

Kids playing football in the medieval quarter

But it’s not only the architecture and people who bring charm to this city. Throughout Vitoria, though mostly concentrated in the Casco Viejo, you’ll find beautiful murals painted by local artists who want to add vibrancy to their city.

Itinerario Muralístico de Vitoria-Gasteiz (IMVG) is a non-profit organization that began with the goal of bringing professional artists and locals together to beautify their city.  The murals add a lot of charm and life to the Casco Viejo and it’s clear a lot of thought, time and effort have been put into each mural. Each piece of art. Street art for everyone to enjoy. 

IMVG coordinates, plans and paints the murals and encourages local residents to get involved by volunteering in the summer. Every June and July workshops are held when new murals  are created. Everyone is welcome, experienced or not. What a great way to get to know your community and meet people! 

Love is in the air

Love is in the air



Inspired by playing card factory in Vitoria-Gateiz

Inspired by the playing card factory based in Vitoria-Gateiz!

My face always lights up when I pass by these big murals.


Art you can touch. Art you can photograph. Art you can read. Art that is free.  Art you can reflect on and try to understand the artist’s intentions as each has a theme or a message to take away.

 Art for everyone.

Some of the street art in Vitoria-Gasteiz is not done by the IMVG. It’s nice to see Street art alive and well in this city!

Hip street art

Hip street art

Hidden Street art in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Hidden Street art in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Group tours are offered to learn more about the street art, goals and history behind the artwork. However, if you are unable to take a tour there is ample information on their website in three languages, Castellano, Euskara and English to learn more about the organization, how to get involved and about each mural.

Do you have a lot of murals or street art in your city? What do you think about creating organizations that encourage art in the streets? 



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12 thoughts on “Art Murals abound in Vitoria-Gateiz

  1. Hi! Thanks so much for featuring our community Art on your blog! You really captured the essence of what we´re trying to do. Vitoria is a great town, with lots of diffirent types of street art and urban expression! Hey We´re California girls too 😉

    • Hi Christina,
      thanks for the comment. You’re welcome! I was so happy to find a great website with information and tours available for such an important project. No way, you’re CA gals!?! How did we not meet?? I only wish I had the opportunity to meet you both! You found my post a few days too late (haha) … I left Vitoria on June 18 but who knows, I may be back one day. Likely sooner than later. How long have you both been in Vitoria- Gasteiz?

  2. I can assure that you know the murals of Vitoria better than a lot of its citizens, for exemple, me. You have taken very good pictures. The neighbors of these murals are very proud of them, because they have taken part in designing or painting them.

    • haha! That’s how it often is Begoña, isn’t it? When you’re a tourist or living abroad you often learn more things about a place because it’s new, interesting, charming, etc. There are plenty of things I still have to learn about San Francisco and nearby cities! Thanks for the compliment!

  3. Pingback: Exploring Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain: Mother & Daughter Adventures | Jump Write In

  4. I loved seeing the art murals during my visit to Vitoria. It was always such a “wow” moment when we would turn the corner and a colorful mural would appear. There must be quite a few since I didn’t see many that you show here. Thanks for the explanation of who the artists, etc.

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